Sunday, February 21, 2010

to-do-list-time... go away work!

Sometimes my 'me' time translates to my 'get-things-done-to-shrink-my-todo-list' time and it isn't always the most enjoyable way for me to spend my time or my weekend.

I had a Friday and Saturday full of work with some fun sprinkled in this weekend. It's not how I'd like things to be in an ideal world but no matter how much I pretend - I'll never live in that dream land. The to-do list will never stop mounting but it will ebb and flow with times of high and low volume.

In this high volume chapter I'm hibernating a bit and saying no to invitations for things I would like to do. My fun time is regimented and the balance is a little off kilter - but next week I should be able to reward myself with some much needed rest.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tirzah- make some time for the wonder and keep reminding me to do the same. I can't wait for you to visit.
