Thursday, February 11, 2010

Birthdays and UnBirthdays

This year on my actual birthday I decided to wake up early and do some errands and take myself out for treats that I wouldn't normally splurge on. It was like the whole city was exploding with nice-ness for me. The bus seemed to be on my schedule and people in every direction were opening doors for me and giving out plenty of smiles.

Somewhere in this dream of a morning I realized that the only day in a year that is generally put aside for MEtime is your birthday. It's totally accepted for people to do as many nice things for themselves as they can. One day out of the year you reserve the right to treat yourself really well just because.

This blog is helping me put that old tradition on the shelf and bring the birthday nice-ness into the un-birthday days of the year. When you go out and do your normal day to day stuff with the smile and belief that you deserve the world - people respond in a very warm way.

- People treat you the way you treat yourself -

it's a vicious little game we play of not thinking we deserve the things we want out of life... this is my time for being demanding of myself for myself!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Beautiful Magnetic Tirzah. Every day is better with you in it.
