Friday, February 5, 2010

Me and the Museum

Realizing the reality of really having to plan and schedule in time for yourself...

Yesterday I had about an hour and a half before my next meeting and I was sitting in front of my computer thinking about what I should do. I had a to-do list in front of me - Nothing was urgent but I could work on various projects or start some reading assignments for the week.

But no I decided none of the things on my list were really important enough for my precious time. Instead, I chose to take a walk down the street and spend my hour in the art museum. It was a wonderful gift to myself - a quiet place to think, question the direction of my life and ask myself what is it exactly about art that makes me feel so dedicated to it.

In school I'm working so hard to learn what it takes to manage an arts organization, the skills and analysis tools that will push my path forward... but there's not a lot of time spent with the art itself. It has become an assumption that art is worth dedicating your life to. This is something that I still believe in - but it's great to sit back and check my priorities and passions and make sure I'm on the track I want to be on...

This moment of me time and introspection was brought to me by me for me!

1 comment:

  1. Tirzah - you hit the nail on the head. While I was doing my masters at the Art Institute of Chicago, my classmates and I were always discussing the irony of how we were studying at arguably one of the best art museums in the world and yet, never had time to go visit the museum for our own selfish needs. Instead, we were tied up in papers and studying, and if we did go visit it was usually because it was related to some class report or project. It's one of the things I regret most about my time there - not visiting the museum enough in the ME time. I applaud you for taking the time to do so and hope you do it as much as you can going forward! :)
