Sunday, January 31, 2010

Home Improvement

On Wednesday, I am traveling to North Carolina to visit my niece and my family. There is a mountain of unfinished tasks to accomplish falling primarily in the dreaded area of housework. Today I plan to catch up but find a way to make it fun. One such plan is to incorporate my friend E into the day's plans with a trip to a local farmer's market. Another is to develop and blast a playlist of songs to frame my mind for the week ahead. Throughout the day, I'll enjoy new systems and brainstorm on ways to make my place more enjoyable in the days ahead. And at the end, I'll have a great space to enjoy when I return. Sounds like a plan to me.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so great! yummie food and a clean house really do somehow make you feel good on the inside... Great music can make such a huge difference on your mood/perspective on a boring task like cleaning. Today I listened to Nina Simone while I did some boring filing at work - can't think of anything better to boost the mood!
