Thursday, January 28, 2010

Follow a whim

So tonight when I was walking out of my late night class ready to hit the books - a friend of mine looks over to me and says - hey do you want to go swing dancing? In my head I was thinking about my weekend and how/where I could squeeze in an evening of dancing - but then he said - right now on the other side of campus - you should join me!

Um Yes! Dancing is something that I love but often don't carve out enough time for. But in the spirit of MEtime - I followed my instinct and pushed studying to the side so I could have a casual hour of dancing. Thank you MEtime! It was so great to remember what it's like to let your body follow the music and have that fun connection to another person.

Usually partner dances turn me off a little bit because there are so many rules to follow... It takes an element of fun out of it. But I decided not to get bogged down by what I don't know and just have fun in the moment... one of the better decisions I've made this week!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! It's interesting that this style of dancing is less pleasurable. I wonder why that it is. Maybe because of your art training? Hm... I am quite opposite. I am drawn to dances that have a pattern, rules, a routine. The spontaneity required for free-style dance is far more nerve racking to me. I feel off not knowing where to go next and lacking time to think it through. But, I too, embraced dancing this past weekend with my new friends and decided to just enjoy it for what it was.... which was fantastic!
