Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I sleep with my blackberry

From the time we are born, people speculate as to our career possibilities. The nature of this question is rarely 'what will she do', rather 'what will she be'? As adults, we evolve and perpetuate this trend by categorizing people within the comfort of preconception. Some might call it stereotyping but the stigma attached to that word is not intended here.

When it comes to who I am, I've recognized that my identity is intrinsically intertwined with my career. The role I play at work is diverse, mostly secure, and geared toward my talents. I'm unnerved, however, when asked what I want to do next in that role. I had a plan five years ago and worked relentlessly to achieve my goals despite numerous barriers. Now I'm not certain how to distinguish between contentedness and happiness. I'm left most concerned that I seek these answers in a performance review. I only know that it matters. This thought process is exhausting and leaves me craving a sabbatical to reflect and explore something entirely new. Ah to day dream. Writing? A business? What would make me happy and proud? How do I get there? Or do I keep going in the same direction?

1 comment:

  1. This are some big questions Ritz... The only way you're going to figure out what really makes you happy is to listen. Listen to your heart and follow the places of joy.

    You're capable of a whole lot and it can be overwhelming to think about where to invest your talents - - but things will unfold in interesting ways with your guidance great things are on the way!

    Keep writing and listening - I can't wait to see what's next.
